I am. . . . .
Whatever I'm putting behind these words, will both be true and a lie. True, because I see myself as a result of all my previous experiences, my hopes and dreams for the future, knowing I would not be the person I am today without having them all. A Lie because I’m no longer my previous experiences and I never have been my hope and dreams. I am and can only be my experience in this moment.
The way I see it, life/creation/God/universe (choose the word(s) that make sense to you) constantly offers me opportunities to learn and grow and leaves it up to me to choose to take them or not. The only way I can learn from any opportunity is to go through what it brings up in me and receive and integrate the truth I find in this process. It might take a lot of time and effort, still I find it’s worth every step. It makes me feel more real and whole and it makes it easier to create more of what I long for in my life.
From my perspective we are all here on this earth to experience and learn from our existence. I’m passionate about supporting people finding their own truth and their own path through life. Working with people has shown me we have a lot in common and there is a lot we can learn from each other’s experiences. We don’t have to go through it all ourselves. This is my motivation for sharing what Ihave learned from the experiences life has offered me.
Pieces of a Continuously Evolving Whole
What is Present Coaching?
Every moment is a piece of a whole which is constantly under construction. Present Coaching is my offering to the world, grounded in a number of influential parts of my own experience and personal journey. Click below to read more about some of the main components, to date, which have helped me to form both my own continual construction and my offering to you.
Tel: +47 41 66 33 67 E-mail: Katrine@thismoment.no